
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A prompting leads to a discovery

My mom and I have been searching and searching for the name of our Great/2nd Great Grandmother for a long time.  She has searched since I was born.      I have honestly searched some days for 10 hours straight (because it is so addicting to keep looking) for the past 5 months.
Last night she called me and said she thought one of the names we had considered before might be the one--
she was feeling it was right.  The clue we uncovered and suddenly felt so strongly about was "Butch"
My mom had told me that my Great Grandmother used to call my Great Grandfather "Butch" - his name was William George Nelson.  We just thought it was her nickname for him.   My mom also was given a chain/locket with "Butch" engraven on it.   We have been looking for his mother - who we thought should have the Maiden name of Nelson.   However the realization came to us that Butch could stand for "Butcher" because there was a Louisa Butcher Nelson who had died in 1891 about the exact time that William George was taken into the home of the Binder's who raised him.  We decided to go downtown this morning and kept saying how "Butch" may be the clue.    We went into the special collections room and after several failed attempts at finding the right microfilm, I slowly scrolled through the names of Butcher......when I got to the "L's" for "Louisa" I could feel it was going to happen--and there it was...  Louisa Butcher's temple work was
done by William L Binder.   It was incredible to realize it.  We both yelled (a little too loudly for the room) "We found her!  We found her!  and we hugged and cried and it was so wonderful!

It brings tears of joy to think we know can know her name and more about our family....

I've already discovered some crazy stories that I will share in another post.

LOUISA MARIA BUTCHER (NELSON) is my Great Great Grandmother!

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