After our Savior's crucifixion, suffering and death the veil of the temple was rent from top to bottom. Previously, only the High Priest could enter the Holy of Holies, once a year on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). The High Priest would enter in clean, white garments, carrying the blood of a heifer and goat to sprinkle on the horns of the altar signifying cleansing the sins of himself and all Israel. After this day, the remainder of the year, the holy sanctuary remained veiled. At his crucifixion, and because of his great atoning sacrifice, Christ rent the veil to the Holy of Holies allowing all to pass through. Entrance now was granted to not just one High Priest but all worthy Priests and Priestesses now could be born into His Eternal Kingdom. The Holy of Holies is the Throne Room of God, and also the coronation room for those who become like him.
I have shown how I believe the Hey is the Veil. It represents the feminine, rent veil into the Holy of Holies. Like the symbols of the Savior's atoning sacrifice, a mother's flesh is rent and blood is shed
during birth, so that a child can be born and progress through the kingdoms back to the Celestial Kingdom to dwell with God forever. Hebrews chapter 10 verse 9-10 provides the symbolism:
"Having therefore brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way, which he hatch consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;"
And further in Moses 6:59- "and inasmuch as ye were born into the world by water, and blood, and the spirit, which I have made, and so became of dust a living soul, even so ye must be born again into the kingdom of heaven, of water, and of the spirit, and be cleansed by blood, even the blood of mine Only Begotten...."
cleansed by blood.
In this sense, a mother goes through a sanctifying process when she gives birth. It is a holy experience.
As I was reading 1 Nephi 2:8-10; I wondered at the symbolism of the fountain of the Red Sea.
Lehi, wishes that Laman will be like unto it. Lehi first uses the phrase "fountain of the Red Sea" and then restates it as "fountain of righteousness". It piqued my interest because I knew that Hebrew thought used the word fountain as a feminine metaphor. I believe this comes from the flowing blood
idea. The word for blood in Hebrew is dam דמ. Daleth is door. Mem is water and also blood.
The image of blood and water appear in the red sea crossing. Of course, there is the Passover blood on the doorposts for deliverance. In English, I still love the symbolism of the Israelites crossing a sea of blood and water for deliverance.
I was hoping to get a good "blood red" hebrew meaning when I looked up the true translation, but technically the Red Sea in Scripture Hebrew is the Reed Sea, יָמָּה סּוּף
סוּף which translates as reed, rush, water plant, which is probably of Egyptian origin. (BLB)
The imagery still works however, because the reed is one symbol for Egypt. Isaiah refers to Egypt as a broken reed. Moses brings forth the Children of Israel out of Egypt. Crossing the red sea waters do represent a new birth out of what is "forbidden" (Egypt according to Joseph Smith).
It represents death and bondage giving way to life. If you study our modern baptismal font, you will see the reed symbol around the sides of this sea of water.
The word for reed in Hebrew is קָנֶה
The word for gathering is קָוָה. In my mind these word are related for a מִקְוֶה Miqveh is a beautiful word meaning hope, gathering together and a pool of water. (See my post on "Hope of Israel").
The birth and baptismal waters of hope for Israel.
In Jewish tradition, to be Jewish you must be born to a Jewish Mother. It is similar to the idea of being born in the covenant. Being born to a Jewish father doesn't count unless you are baptized in a Miqveh.
You must be born into the waters of Judah or as 1 Nephi 20 says, "the waters of baptism". If your mother is Jewish you are assumed to have come through the "Waters of Judah".
The mother-birth symbol is important.
(further insight in my post "The Doctrine of Motherhood")
Eve's partaking of the fruit caused us to pass through a first cloud-veil, born through blood, water and spirit through Motherhood...
(further insight in my post "The Doctrine of Motherhood")
Eve's partaking of the fruit caused us to pass through a first cloud-veil, born through blood, water and spirit through Motherhood...
Trailing clouds of glory.
We are now working back towards the second veil, through the ordinances of the Priesthood, with all Priesthood Power being enabled by the atonement of our Savior, Jesus Christ. He shed his blood, water and spirit and these are symbolized through the ordinances of baptism in the emblems of the sacrament and again in the temple.
We are now working back towards the second veil, through the ordinances of the Priesthood, with all Priesthood Power being enabled by the atonement of our Savior, Jesus Christ. He shed his blood, water and spirit and these are symbolized through the ordinances of baptism in the emblems of the sacrament and again in the temple.
Birth and rebirth. We are born again through blood, water and spirit symbols in birth, baptism and entering through the Fleshy Veil into the Holy of Holies or Presence of God. The Hebrew word for womb is rechum (an open, filled womb) and the same root word is rechem - the word for compassion, mercy. We find the Mercy Seat in the Holy of Holies. As we are born the veil of our mother is rent. What does that make her womb?
The Holy of Holies.
The Holy of Holies.
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