As tradition, the men and kids all went to a movie. This year it was the movie "Frozen". They seemed to really like it and put them in the Christmas Spirit.
We didn't do our usual Salvation Army food deliveries this year since my parents went to see Tony and Suzy in City. However, we still had some good service experiences this month. Jenessa organized a food drive
in our ward to take food and money to a poor woman. She did such a great job and collected a lot! and was able to deliver it via the woman's bishop.
I also was in charge of decorating a tree for the South Jordan Youth Council. Jenessa and all of the kids on council met to decorate 5 or 6 Christmas Trees to deliver to children who had cancer. As it turns out
one of the trees was meant for Robyn's grand-daughter. It was such an awesome experience to take it to her home. The little girl was so excited to get her "pink" tree. She was laughing that her daddy would have
to have a pink Christmas tree this year!! It was humbling to spend the day delivering the trees to these children and their families. We sang them all a few Christmas Carols. It was a great experience.
The youth council did such an awesome the decorations!
Delivering the trees:
This was special to me since it was Robyn's grand-daughter's house