Well thanks for telling me you were going to Florida. I had no idea. But hopefully you guys are enjoying it and i hope the weather gets better. So are you going to Disneyworld this week? We have never been there before so you should all go and see if its as good as its supposed to be. Sorry the beach wasn't great, but maybe theres another beach you could go to that is better.
Dear Benjamin/elder Soutas
Well I'm writing you from Florida. Sorry we didn't tell you we were going before hand. First of all we didn't want you to be distracted thinking about it and second. I will admit I feel guilty going somewhere fun when you can't be here.
Dad wanted to use/checkout his timeshare that he bought from his client George for a dollar. Although we are not staying in the exact timeshare we will drive over to see it. Our week for that timeshare was in march and no one could miss school then so we swapped it for a differ time and only this location was available
I think we will just have to come back again sometime when you can since we have the timeshare anyway. The truth is its not much different than California. And in many ways I think I like California better because the humidity and heat here are outrageous. It's also been raining a lot. I hope the rain doesn't ruin all our plans for visiting the parks.
So yesterday we just flew all day. We had a 3 hour layover in. "Minnie-Sota". We started joking that one of us should be named Minnie and we should move there and We would call them Minnie Soutas from Minnesota. Haha

Today we found a nice LDS church to go to Sacrament meeting. It's so awesome to be able to go anywhere in the world and feel right at home. The best part of the meeting was an 80 year old convert from Georgia (with a heavy drawl and he praised The Lord during his testimony). He was there with the missionaries and will be baptized next week. It was cool
After church we drive to the temple and walked around on the holy grounds.
We came back and i made some breakfast then drove to cocoa beach and walked on the beach. It was pretty nice. Then decided to drive up to Daytona beach to eat our picnic. It was not so nice with rap blaring pot smoking people all around us. I can tell you the contrast from feeling the spirit from the morning and NOT in the evening was huge.
I love the peace and happiness of standing in holy places
Tomorrow we will go to universal studios and then a few days at Disney world so we will tell you about it next week.

Giardanos Pizza
Tyler tried Jordan's suggestion of bacon wrapped oreos
So to recap the rest of last week We had a good vacation...definitely memorable. -- Think of the first tropical storm of the year coming through Florida and tornado alerts and pouring rain as we stood in the lines at Disney world followed up with the only sunny day at the beach on Friday and everyone getting
bad sunburns!! ha ha It's all pretty funny... in the end everything worked out for the best. The rain meant no hot sweltering 90 degree humid days standing in line - I think it was better to be soaked instead. Also the lines were much much shorter. Each time it started to rain a lot of people would leave the park, so that was a good thing. :)
On Monday we went to Universal Studios (Islands of Adventure) It is the park with more roller coaster rides. We started at Harry Potter and waited for an hour and finally rode it. It was pretty fun but one of those twisting type of movie rides kinda made us sick.
The rest of the rides were all based on some other movie like The Hulk Roller Coaster (it was so intense - Jordan actually blacked out on it and Dad didn't even want to ride it again) No way was I going on that one! There was a Rocket type ride which Brycen and I actually went on and liked-- believe it or not
Tuesday - We went to Disney animal Kingdom - We all actually liked it the most - because it was more relaxing - kind of like a really good zoo with a few rides to make it interesting. We went on a safari ride which felt like you were in Africa and the giraffes were right there next to you in the jeep
Wed - Magic Kingdom - same as disney land - pretty much all of the rides were the same. but this time all in the rain.
Thurs - Disney Hollywood Studios - kind of like California Adventure - some of the same rides - remember "Its a Bugs Life"- that 4D - movie
and the tower of terror that are in California adventure It poured on us this day, but then cleared up for part of the afternoon. This was the day of Tropical Storm Andrea and the Tornado warnings in the morning - so we didn't even go until afternoon
Friday -We drove to clearwater beach near tampa and it was finally sunny. The problem was we used spray sunscreen and I guess the wind blew most of it off of us so we have patches of white and sunburn all over. It was fun to have some sunshine
and the kids loved playing in the waves.
We definitely missed you not being with us so we will have to plan a trip for someplace when you return.